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Co-creators of the process:

450 students of between 3 and 12 years old and their families, teachers and service staff of CEIP Isidro Parga Pondal.

Teaching-research team of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of A Coruña (UDC by its acronym in Galician).

Support team, volunteer occupational therapists

Students of the Degree in Occupational Therapy of the UDC

Collaborating teaching-research team, from the Faculty of Education Sciences of the UDC

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This adventure begins with the reflection of the guidance counsellor of CEIP Isidro Parga Pondal, Noa Vera Baliñas, and the occupational therapist, teacher of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the UDC, Natalia Rivas Quarneti. The potential collaboration between the two institutions crystallises when the need to intervene in the playgrounds is identified, already demanded by the families, who support the project from the beginning and throughout the process.

From that point onwards, different conversations began and alliances were established between the two institutions to carry out this participatory project.

Initially, the methodological development of the project was carried out by the UDC teacher. Gradually, the aim was to create a team to collaborate in the development and execution of this ambitious project.

The team is currently made up of:

  • Natalia Rivas Quarneti, general coordinator of the project, in charge of leading the process for the primary school playground, families and teachers.

  • Inés Viana Moldes, teacher at the Faculty of Health Sciences, UDC, in charge of leading the process for the nursery playground, families and teachers.

  • Noa Vera Baliñas, guidance counsellor at the Multilingual Primary and Nursery School “Isidro Parga Pondal”, in charge of coordination at the centre and with the university team.

  • Marta Canabal López, occupational therapist, volunteer in the project, co-responsible for the primary, nursery and teaching staff fieldwork.

  • Silvia Veiga Seijo, occupational therapist, volunteer in the project, co-responsible for the nursery, primary and teaching staff fieldwork.

  • Sonsoles Mosteiro Sigüenza, occupational therapist, volunteer in the project, collaborator in the primary and nursery fieldwork.

  • Lilian Magalhaes, occupational therapist, teacher and researcher at the Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil, expert in participatory processes and international advisor to the project.

The team also includes three teachers and researchers from the Faculty of Education of the UDC, Department of Specific Didactics and Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education, who will collaborate in the evaluation of the changes before and after the intervention in the playground:

  • Miriam Carretero García

  • Raúl Fraguela Vale

  • Lara Varela Garrote


In addition to the involvement of the co-creators participating in activities, meetings, contributing ideas, materials (e.g., lending cameras), energy and enthusiasm! It is necessary to highlight that the involvement of various community agents is an essential part of this project and one of its strengths.

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